Are you looking for quality Plantation Shutters? A Grade has been manufacturing and installing Shutters on the Gold Coast and Brisbane areas since 2000.
Buy directly from the factory and save!
Traditional shutters were once expensive and high maintenance. Modern technology has changed all of that. With today’s manufacturing materials and designs, A Grade Aluminium’s unique range of shutters is designed to effectively close out the world and the weather.
Plantation shutters are also referred to as window shutters, which are interior blinds that create shade and a free flow of air inside your house that keeps the building cool. Here at A Grade Aluminium we also refer to them as louvers.
And they come in any type of sizes to fit your property’s needs. The shutters can be made to close and open for lighting and temperature purposes. When it’s warm they may be opened for fresh air or a breeze and when it is cold they may be closed to increase the house’s temperature.
Small Fact: “When European colonists reached the Caribbean and American South, they realized that the design was ideally suited to these climates, and many old plantation homes have these distinctive interior shutters, which explain why people call them plantation shutters.”